
Maybe you think... Halloween? Now? And you are absolutely right but you can't imagine how busy and how things went these past weeks... I was doing some courses (I will talk about that sooner), my computer at home was broken and soooo slow... I hate when this happens and I think it is time to change it, it is too old and it doesn't run actually it doesn't walk or even crawl!! It was my birthday and also my son's and my daughter's!! Three in a row!! Schools has been crazy and work went out from my ears!! No too much time to spend sharing and writing in my blog... Although here I am now to post about some activities we did for Halloween.
In my school children can't dress up so we just do some special activities. We did an Halloween sing Assembly and in my classroom we worked in different projects.
You can see some of the crafts we did in these pictures:
We also had math with Halloween activities, vocabulary, problem solving, math facts... And in the library we read spooky stories and some poems as this one in the photo telling the children what they need to make a special meal for a witch... So funny!! The children had the ingredients and they put them inside the cauldron when they heard them  while reciting the poem...

And to finish this post I would like to show you some pictures of the walls with some Halloween decorations... Look at the skeleton!! How cute is it?? It is made with paper plates.. all of it!!


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